• Diabetes Diet,  Nutrition type

    The best diabetic diet guide

    Thousands of people with fluctuating blood sugar levels have been adopting this new diabetic diet’s solution called Diabetes Freedom to help them remove harmful belly fat from their important organs while safely and successfully regulating their blood sugar levels. These…

  • gestatinal diabetes
    Diagnosis,  Other type diabetes

    Gestational Diabetes

    When you experience hyperglycemia (high blood glucose levels) while pregnant, you develop gestational diabetes. Pregnancy-related diabetes commonly arises in the third trimester (between 24 and 28 weeks). The main cause of gestational diabetes is due to high demand of insulin…

  • Type 2 diabetes
    Diagnosis,  Type 2 diabetes

    What cause type 2 diabetes

    Type 2 diabetes develops when your body’s cells are unable to use the hormone insulin as intended. To absorb glucose (sugar) from the bloodstream and turn it into energy, cells need insulin. Ineffective utilization of insulin causes the body to…